Monday, February 27, 2012

Undead Gay Gorilla Police Officer

 1.The first one is from the people that I live with which are mostly mentally retarded, they are basically paid to treat me like this and I lost everything that I came their with and when I move I'm going to put it in a big pile and burn it...

2.The Second is a bunch of black church kids, with a weird White supremacist mulatess, and they are some of the most ignorant and horrible little shits in the world terms like Dirty Nigger for being not just black, in "Their neighborhood" Minister King Samir Shabazz and the other faggot had something to do with this, I deal with them a lot and the thing is that they are all Gay not revolutionary just gay black separatist white supremacists that only destroy they are emulators and destroyers as well as rapists and murderers, it is almost time for the rest of my life and the end of that type of life for them...

This proves that what I stated was what happened, happened and they let the shit head in the audio recording steal from my room and all of my art and music got used by Jews in the community for their worth in Scientology...Which led to some pretty weird Dadaist encounters in movie theaters as well as video-games and even music, which is bizarre because from their it spread to social sites, my pornography habits everything.Up until recently being blockaded by Gay negro youth in an attempt to frighten me into submission to Negros in general...