Sunday, August 19, 2012

Somebody gets a shpanking...

I have no real way to express the absolute disappointment in modern gay men and women and also how much I loathe the Bo-ii and Boar-ii that came before me and have never had to work, deal with indifference or even have ever had to murder people or living organisms to survive, having people come at you for no reason other than that you were born into something that you did not want that is annoying and also having to deal with mental retards or mentally retarded plans of social domination for no other means than Gender consumer identity and internally the people that are engaged in a partisan blockade of other peoples right have no real justification for the damage and the people that are trying to take control of reality they can't actually deal with true definitions or definitions that are based on observation or being instead they go for faith or ritual, and faith in ruin and the ritual or sacrifice, consecration and destruction and then the elimination of yourself and by default those that created you and the religion and spiritual practice of the culture that you come from, that's all it is.

Just gay men and women self hatred and also their internal disbelief that if given a choice most people would live neutrally with out them in their community's and if given the choice people would speak to them about the conflict or retardation of nature that they represent and fetish (epicurean shamanism) into a ritual of suicide for themselves and ruin for those that had to endure them, and I don't think the ones that came here no the difference between pleasure and pain or even that murdering someone is wrong my hypothesis is that they are the left overs of L.D.S. and T.F.I. and also C.O.G. and some of them lost the ability to have orgasms because of damage to their genitals and nervous systems because of ritual, fetish and Shamanism or epicurean adoption or aspiration to and  of the opposite genders secondary sexual characteristics and also from what I can tell immature social behavior that aided criminal minors that engaged in Rape,Murder and belonged to a large international Criminal Organization....
I hate to play the Villain.